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Serving Greater Boston residents, the Roux-en-Y procedure is recommended for individuals with esophageal injury from conditions such as severe acid reflux and/or Barrett’s esophagus. Bariatric surgeons at Newton-Wellesley Hospital’s Center for Weight Loss Surgery perform laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass surgery if you are not a candidate for the more common sleeve gastrectomy procedure.
In recent years, better clinical understanding of procedures that combine restrictive (decreasing food intake by reducing the size of your stomach) and metabolic (altering chemicals in your blood to change your perception of hunger and fullness) approaches has increased the options for effective weight loss surgery.
While laparoscopic Roux-en-y gastric bypass was the “gold standard” for 25 years, since 2012 the procedure is done less routinely due to the effectiveness and lower potential complications after a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Additionally the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy may be converted to a SIPS- Duodenal Switch if additional weight loss and treatment of comorbid disease is needed.
The chemical or metabolic change that occurs with bypassing the body of the stomach and the first part of the small intestine results in an early sense of fullness, combined with a sense of satisfaction that reduces the desire to eat.
In the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure, stapling creates a small stomach (gastric) pouch. The remainder of your stomach is not removed, but is divided from your stomach pouch and empties into the first part of the intestine which is bypassed.
The outlet from this newly formed pouch empties directly into the lower portion of your jejunum (the middle portion of your small intestine), bypassing the duodenum and delivering nutrients to the end of the small intestine faster thereby providing the metabolic aspect of this operation. The other end is connected into the side of the Roux limb of your intestine, creating the "Y" shape that gives the technique its name.
Call us at 617-243-3724 to request an appointment.